MAGIC WAGON - Meridian Ring Cabinet
Product no.: 1009
The performer displays a beautiful wooden cabinet on all sides and
removes the front cover showing it to be completely empty.
He then places a borrowed ring onto the floor of the cabinet and replaces the cover.
A brass sword is then shown to be perfectly solid and inserted through the slots
on the sides of the cabinet allowing both ends to remain in full view.
Now, the performer snaps his fingers and immediately pulls the sword through the top of the
cabinet revealing that the ring is now magically hanging on the brass sword!
Please note that the Meridian Ring Cabinet uses a different method to the
other ring effects which Magic Wagon has previously produced.
The mechanical method of this latest version has been cleverly re-designed and is practically self-working!
The cabinet without the front cover in place, measures approximately 11.8cm wide, 10.2cm high and 10.2cm deep
and has been completely handcrafted from natural aged teak wood with a lightly distressed oil finish.
The silver ring as shown is also included, however the effect can also be performed with
any normal ring providing it is about the same size and style of the one supplied.
Manufactured in 2021 by Magic Wagon Thailand.